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Interior Lodares Passage in Albacete, Spain (6860/6938)
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Interior Lodares Passage in Albacete, Spain (6860/6938)

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Interior Lodares Passage in Albacete, Spain. Photo by Public Domain.

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Sponsored Images via Shutterstock:
The Passage of Lodares (Spanish: Pasaje de Lodares) is an early 20th century passage located in Albacete, Spain.
Vertical photograph of the Passage de Lodares, a commercial and residential gallery located in the historic center of the Spanish city of Albacete. Similar to the Italian galleries.
Vertical photograph of the Passage de Lodares, a commercial and residential gallery located in the historic center of the Spanish city of Albacete. Similar to the Italian galleries.
The Passage of Lodares (Spanish: Pasaje de Lodares) is an early 20th century passage located in Albacete, Spain.
The Passage of Lodares (Spanish: Pasaje de Lodares) is an early 20th century passage located in Albacete, Spain.
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