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Free Photos (Public Domain Photos),stock Photos, Clipart, images, and Vectors

A large Public Domain photo repository with high resolution free photos and vectors. All copyright free stock photos and royalty free photos, and CC0 Photos. 27000 free and public domain photos, images, clipart, pics and vectors and counting. To view/download a photo in high resolution, please click on the image.

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Guard tower at Manzanar National Historic Site in the Eastern Sierra. An interment camp during WWII, 10,000 Japanese Americans were imprisoned here from 1942-45.
Japanese-American veteran, dressed in his WW2 uniform, reports for his WW2 internment. Santa Anita Park assembly, Arcadia, California, April 5, 1942. Photo by Dorothea Lange.
World War II, Bird
Interned Japanese American, Sumiko Shigematsu, standing at left, supervises fellow internees working at sewing machines at Manzanar Relocation Center, California. 1943 photograph by Ansel Adams.
The Manzanar relocation camp sign where thousands ofJapanese-Americans were held in detention during World War II in California
Manzanar Relocation Center, a World War II internment camp for Japanese Americans. A lone man walks on a barracks lined street in the winter of 1943. Photograph by Ansel Adams.