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Small garden in Qiao Family Courtyard, China
A concrete footpath made of fancy sections winds through the pond. The leaves of water lilies on the water. Lush green vegetation on the shore of the reservoir.China.Heavenly Star Bridge Tianxing Qiao
A decorative pedestrian walkway made of fancy concrete sections runs through a pond with water lilies. Reflection on the water. China.  Stone Forest in Water. Heavenly Star Bridge Tianxing Qiao.
A concrete footpath runs between the rocks. Green vegetation on weathered, cracked slopes. Puddles of water on a wet path. China. Tianxingqiao Scenic Area. Heavenly Star Bridge Tianxing Qiao.
A pedestrian path made of fancy concrete sections runs along the lake. Green vegetation. Close-up. China. Stone Forest in Water. Heavenly Star Bridge Tianxing Qiao.Tianxingqiao Scenic Area
Qiao Family Courtyard in Qi County Shanxi Province China is located in the ancient architecture of the central hall