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A large Public Domain photo repository with high resolution free photos and vectors. All copyright free stock photos and royalty free photos, and CC0 Photos. 27000 free and public domain photos, images, clipart, pics and vectors and counting. To view/download a photo in high resolution, please click on the image.

Free Photos (Public Domain Photos),stock Photos, Clipart, images, and Vectors

A large Public Domain photo repository with high resolution free photos and vectors. All copyright free stock photos and royalty free photos, and CC0 Photos. 27000 free and public domain photos, images, clipart, pics and vectors and counting. To view/download a photo in high resolution, please click on the image.

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Sooty shearwater flock - Ardenna grisea - flying over the south pacific ocean with blurred blue sky and sea background, off the Taiaroa Head, Otago Peninsula, South Island, New Zealand
A balearic shearwater (Puffinus mauretanicus) flying over the Mediterranean sea
Sooty shearwater flying over the ocean
Grote Pijlstormvogel vliegend met Atlantic Yellow-nosed Albatross; Great Shearwater flying with Atlantic Yellow-nosed Albatross
Grote Pijlstormvogel groep zitten op het water; Great Shearwater group sitting on the water
Grote Pijlstormvogel op volle zee; Great Shearwater out at sea