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Brachypelma smithi is a species of spider in the family Theraphosidae (tarantulas) native to Mexico.  Mexican redknee tarantulas are a popular
Ephebopus cyanognathus, known as the blue fang tarantula is a species of tarantula (family Theraphosidae). It is endemic to French Guiana
I believe this is a male Tarantula checking the hole in the ground that could have a female Tarantula inside. 
The Tarantula hole has a web over it which means the Tarantula is inside.
Hole or the nest of Thailand black tarantura (Haplopelma Minax) in the forest
Hole of Theraphosidae in Thailand.
Spider (Aphonopelma seemanni), of the Theraphosidae family,usually black with white stripes near the leg joints.