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Avon Gorge and Clifton Suspension Bridge near Bristol, England (901/6938)
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Avon Gorge and Clifton Suspension Bridge near Bristol, England (901/6938)

Free Photos > Stock Photos > Avon Gorge and Clifton Suspension Bridge near Bristol, England (901/6938)

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Avon Gorge and Clifton Suspension Bridge near Bristol, England. Photo by Arpingstone.

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Sponsored Images via Shutterstock:
The Clifton Suspension bridge designed by Isambard Brunel in 1864 near Bristol, England, UK.
The Clifton Suspension Bridge spans the Avon Gorge near Bristol, England. Isambard Brunel won competition to build the bridge in 1830.
The Clifton Suspension bridge designed by Isambard Brunel in 1864 near Bristol, England, UK.
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Free Photos > Stock Photos > Avon Gorge and Clifton Suspension Bridge near Bristol, England (901/6938)

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Avon Gorge and Clifton Suspension Bridge near Bristol, England. Photo by Arpingstone.

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This photo is under the CC0 / Public Domain License.