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Goritsy Monastery in Russia (3897/6938)
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Goritsy Monastery in Russia (3897/6938)

Free Photos > Stock Photos > Goritsy Monastery in Russia (3897/6938)

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Goritsy Monastery in Russia. Photo by Public Domain.

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Sponsored Images via Shutterstock:
Russia, Goritsy, view of Monastery of Resurrection from the river Kovzha
Resurrection Goritsky Monastery in the village of Goritsy, Vologda region
Russia, Goritsy, view of the Kirillo Belozersky Monastry
Russia. Sheksna river. The Resurrection Goritsky Monastery in the village of Goritsy
Holy Trinity Church and cathedral Christ Resurrection at the Goritsy Monastery of Resurrection Vologda region, Russia
Aerial view of Voskreensky Goritsky Monastery and Sheksna river on sunny summer day. Goritsy, Vologda Oblast, Russia.
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Free Photos > Stock Photos > Goritsy Monastery in Russia (3897/6938)

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Goritsy Monastery in Russia. Photo by Public Domain.

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