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Eagle in flight over the water (46/449)
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Eagle in flight over the water (46/449)

Free Photos > Animals Photos > Birds Photos > Eagle in flight over the water (46/449)

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Quileute Tribal Council Vice Chair Tony Foster, takes U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) Tribal Liaison for Washington State Robin Slate, and Quileute Tribal Water Quality Biologist Nicole Rasmussen use a Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) boat to travel along the Quillayute River looking for signs of erosion (risk erosion) of the bank at and about Smith Sough, the source of water that flows through the culverts of the NRCS Thunder Road project, that addresses four fish barriers that block more than 22 acres of fish habitat, in La Push, Washington, Aug 22, 2018. This conservation planning effort lead to an unusual partnership where the Quileute Tribe requested access to WDWF fish passage biologist and engineers through a NRCS/WDFW Contribution agreement. This partnership resulted in a coordinated effort to bring conservation actions to life in a remote location. The Thunder Road Project addressed the need for floodplain connectivity to restore natural flow of water across floodplain, restore access to off-channel fish habitat in wetlands and stream complex. The project also improved the roadway and reduced sediment runoff from tribal members using road to access the river during the wet season (peak fishing season). The conservation plans identified aquatic habitat, water quality, and plant pest resource concerns, along with a social resource concern related to the Tribe’s use of the degraded Thunder Road for fishing and recreational access. Additionally, conservation planning determined soils information was needed and resulted in a Soil Survey mapping effort on the Reservation. Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) funding in two successive years was used to provide the Tribe financial assistance. The tribe used State Salmon Recovery Funding Board funding to provide the balance of the implementation cost. Photo by U.S. Department of Agriculture.

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Free Photos > Animals Photos > Birds Photos > Eagle in flight over the water (46/449)

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Quileute Tribal Council Vice Chair Tony Foster, takes U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) Tribal Liaison for Washington State Robin Slate, and Quileute Tribal Water Quality Biologist Nicole Rasmussen use a Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) boat to travel along the Quillayute River looking for signs of erosion (risk erosion) of the bank at and about Smith Sough, the source of water that flows through the culverts of the NRCS Thunder Road project, that addresses four fish barriers that block more than 22 acres of fish habitat, in La Push, Washington, Aug 22, 2018. This conservation planning effort lead to an unusual partnership where the Quileute Tribe requested access to WDWF fish passage biologist and engineers through a NRCS/WDFW Contribution agreement. This partnership resulted in a coordinated effort to bring conservation actions to life in a remote location. The Thunder Road Project addressed the need for floodplain connectivity to restore natural flow of water across floodplain, restore access to off-channel fish habitat in wetlands and stream complex. The project also improved the roadway and reduced sediment runoff from tribal members using road to access the river during the wet season (peak fishing season). The conservation plans identified aquatic habitat, water quality, and plant pest resource concerns, along with a social resource concern related to the Tribe’s use of the degraded Thunder Road for fishing and recreational access. Additionally, conservation planning determined soils information was needed and resulted in a Soil Survey mapping effort on the Reservation. Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) funding in two successive years was used to provide the Tribe financial assistance. The tribe used State Salmon Recovery Funding Board funding to provide the balance of the implementation cost. Photo by U.S. Department of Agriculture.

All free photos on this site are public domain. Please consider giving a credit hyperlink to if you use the photos on this site using the attribution code in the below box. It is not required but it'd be much appreciated.

This photo is under the CC0 / Public Domain License.