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Soldiers of the 9th Australian Infantry Division on the attack, Second Battle of El Alamein (68/117)
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Soldiers of the 9th Australian Infantry Division on the attack, Second Battle of El Alamein (68/117)

Free Photos > Historical Battles Photos > World War II Photos > Soldiers of the 9th Australian Infantry Division on the attack, Second Battle of El Alamein (68/117)

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Soldiers of the 9th Australian Infantry Division on the attack, Second Battle of El Alamein, World War II. Photo by Chetwyn.

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Free Photos > Historical Battles Photos > World War II Photos > Soldiers of the 9th Australian Infantry Division on the attack, Second Battle of El Alamein (68/117)

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Soldiers of the 9th Australian Infantry Division on the attack, Second Battle of El Alamein, World War II. Photo by Chetwyn.

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