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Cascata delle Marmore in Terni, Italy (56/186)

Free Photos > Italy Photos > Other Italy Photos > Cascata delle Marmore in Terni, Italy (56/186)

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Cascata delle Marmore in Terni, Italy. Photo by Public Domain.

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Sponsored Images via Shutterstock:
View of Cascata delle Marmore (Marmore Falls), a man-made waterfall created by the ancient Romans located near Terni in Umbria region, Italy. The waters are used to fuel an hydroelectric power plant
Panoramic view of the Marmore Falls, Umbria, Italy. Artificial w
The Cascata delle Marmore (Marmore Falls) is a man-made waterfall created by the ancient Romans located near Terni in Umbria region, Italy. The waters are used to fuel an hydroelectric power plant
Marmore falls, Cascata delle Marmore, in Umbria region, Italy
Marmore falls, Cascata delle Marmore, in Umbria region, Italy
Beautiful landscape with Marmore falls (Cascata delle Marmore) and the rainbow, Umbria, Italy
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Free Photos > Italy Photos > Other Italy Photos > Cascata delle Marmore in Terni, Italy (56/186)

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Cascata delle Marmore in Terni, Italy. Photo by Public Domain.

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