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A stream swollen by seasonal rains rushes past a fallen tree branch in Nairobi National Park (4/7)
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A stream swollen by seasonal rains rushes past a fallen tree branch in Nairobi National Park (4/7)

Free Photos > Kenya Photos > Nairobi Photos > A stream swollen by seasonal rains rushes past a fallen tree branch in Nairobi National Park (4/7)

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KENYA, Nairobi: A stream swollen by seasonal rains rushes past a fallen tree branch in Nairobi National Park, 17 May, 2015. Adjacent to the Kenyan capital and the East African regional aviation hub, Jomo Kenyatta International Airport, Nairobi is the only metropolis in the world that has a National Park right next the city limits and where the big game of Africa, including lion, leopard, buffalo, black rhino, giraffe, hippo and a wealth of birdlife can be viewed in the wild a mere 20mins drive from the city centre and the airport. Another unique feature of the park is that Nairobians, tourists or even transit air travellers have the option of spending just a few hours, a half or full-day in the park due to its close proximity to the Kenyan capital, or even reside overnight inside the park at Nairobi Tented Camp. GRAYLING KENYA PHOTO / STUART PRICE. Photo by Make it Kenya.

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Free Photos > Kenya Photos > Nairobi Photos > A stream swollen by seasonal rains rushes past a fallen tree branch in Nairobi National Park (4/7)

To view or save this photo in High resolution, just click the photo to see the full image(the full image is much higher quality and not pixelated).

KENYA, Nairobi: A stream swollen by seasonal rains rushes past a fallen tree branch in Nairobi National Park, 17 May, 2015. Adjacent to the Kenyan capital and the East African regional aviation hub, Jomo Kenyatta International Airport, Nairobi is the only metropolis in the world that has a National Park right next the city limits and where the big game of Africa, including lion, leopard, buffalo, black rhino, giraffe, hippo and a wealth of birdlife can be viewed in the wild a mere 20mins drive from the city centre and the airport. Another unique feature of the park is that Nairobians, tourists or even transit air travellers have the option of spending just a few hours, a half or full-day in the park due to its close proximity to the Kenyan capital, or even reside overnight inside the park at Nairobi Tented Camp. GRAYLING KENYA PHOTO / STUART PRICE. Photo by Make it Kenya.

All free photos on this site are public domain. Please consider giving a credit hyperlink to if you use the photos on this site using the attribution code in the below box. It is not required but it'd be much appreciated.

This photo is under the CC0 / Public Domain License.