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Free Photos (Public Domain Photos),stock Photos, Clipart, images, and Vectors

A large Public Domain photo repository with high resolution free photos and vectors. All copyright free stock photos and royalty free photos, and CC0 Photos. 27000 free and public domain photos, images, clipart, pics and vectors and counting. To view/download a photo in high resolution, please click on the image.

Pike, Bowfin, and Catfish on the Bark River

Went to two places on the Bark River today and fished for other things rather than catfish. I had a pretty good session with 2 pike and a bowfin before going after Catfish at night at Bark River Park..

Walleye, Catfish, Carp and Drum at secluded Sugar river spot but the Biggest one got away!

I went to a secluded spot near Brodhead to fish for big fish on the Sugar and while I got myself a 20 inch Walleye for my effort, I lost a huge catfish because my leader broke. It was devastating but next time I will be more prepared.

Channels and Flatheads at Jefferson Dam

I went to Jefferson Dam on the Rock River the other day to hunt for the giant flatheads that reside there. I did manage to catch a flathead, but I did not get a giant one.

Big Catfish out of Lake Mendota

Went to Marshal Park for the 5th time this year hoping to catching something. Fishing on Lake Mendota has not been good this year but I finally got a catfish there while it was still light outside!

Small Ditch loaded with fish

I went to a small spillway/ditch place and found that it was full of fish and snapping turtles. I thought it had Pike in it but it seems like they might have all been fished out in the years prior.

Trouting Trip becomes unexpected Catfish Adventure

I went to Mazomanie and fished Black Earth Creek for a trout adventure but it unexpectedly turned into a Catfish expedition. I did not expect Catfish to move up the creek so far and I have worked out my plan of attack for next time.

New Arrival hurting catfish spot?

I went to summer oaks boat ramp to fish but it seems the amount of bluegills and minnows is down at that place. There seems to be a new toothy fish in the water that may be scaring everything off.

Catfish and Carp on the Maunesha

Went to get some fish at marshall Millpond. I could not get the bluegills to bite so I had to just use worms. Caught a few carp and catfish within a few hours and overall a good night on the river.

New Catfish Hotspot on the Yahara River

The Yahara is a small and shallow river aside from the Madison Chain but there are a few hotspots where catfish can be found in numbers. Although I failed to find flathead, I found a place where channels were very abundant.

Catfishing Janesville

I saw a new boat landing near Janesville that I wanted to check out lately so I went there. Tried under the bridge at first but it wasn't very good so I decided to go with the boat dock which paid some good dividends.