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Free Photos (Public Domain Photos),stock Photos, Clipart, images, and Vectors

A large Public Domain photo repository with high resolution free photos and vectors. All copyright free stock photos and royalty free photos, and CC0 Photos. 27000 free and public domain photos, images, clipart, pics and vectors and counting. To view/download a photo in high resolution, please click on the image.

Will the D850 cause people to switch for Canon to Nikon?


Canon's latest offerings have been lacking in the area of technological innovation. Now with a Camera that offers full 4k uncropped video, sports and action AF system, 9fps continous shooting, silent mode, and a native 64 ISO, plus things like focus stacking, would you consider a switch?

Canon's Biggest Mistake


This talks about what Canon's biggest mistake as a company and the problem with their Market Segmentation in the modern world. They are falling behind their competition in terms of features and technology.

Nikon 70-300 F4.5-5.6 Lens Review


This is a review on the Nikon 70-300mm Budget Telephoto Lens. This is an entry level Telephoto Lens for Full-Frame Nikon Cameras that is sharp out to 200mm and loses only a slight bit of sharpness when extended to 300mm. Is it excellent pickup used for $300 and new for $500 and is significantly lighter than the 500mm or 600mm lenses.

Is the lighter weight of a Mirrorless Camera really an advantage?


The Sony A7II and the Nikon D750 came out around the same time and is at the same price point but the Sony Camera, being mirrorless is about half a pound lighter than its Nikon Counterpart. But is the weight loss a big advantage, especially when you add a big full-frame lens onto the Camera? Personally, I prefer the slightly heavier body because it balances out the heavy FF lenses when I'm shooting, what about you?

Photography Basics: Shutter speed, aperture, and ISO settings


This video covers the basics of photography and shooting in manual mode and includes explanations of ISO, Aperture, and shutter speed in cameras and what settings you need to use for each type of photography you are taking. To be a better photography, you need to learn how to shoot in full manual mode and control the exposure of your shots. After seeing this tutorial, hopefully you will be on you way to be a better photographer.

Why Dynamic Range is important and why you need good Dynamic range in your Camera


Dynamic Range in a Cameras is important because it lets you bring up the detail and recover the highlights and shadows from an image. If you are shooting photos at sunrise or sunset or if you are shooting towards the sun towards the day, you will need good dynamic range in order to edit your photos and make them look like what the human eye perceives the landscape is.

Nikon D850, Full Specs


New Full specs upcoming D850, Pros and Cons:
1. 45-46 MP Sensor
2. Better High and Low ISO performance(which I assume means improved DR)
3. Improved version of Snapbridge(they better get it right his time)
4. Tilting Touchscreen
5. SD and XQD Slots
6. 154 AF points(d500 system)
7. Back Illuminated Buttons
8. Joystick Selector
9. Wi-fi and Blue-tooth
10. 8k time-lapse video
11. 4K UD Video with no crop(take that 5d Mark IV)
12. 8+fps continous shooting
13. Higher Resolution LCD
14. Slow Motion full 120fps HD Video
15. Improved Silent shooting mode
16. Improved battery life
17. Lighter than D810


1. No Fully articulating screen
2. No Electronic View Finder
3. No Pop-up Flash

Thanks to Nikon Rumors for published leaked news.

Nikon's Biggest Mistake -- Snapbridge


Nikon has done a lot of dumb stuff over the last few years from KeyMission to their semiconductor business-thing to releasing uninspiring cameras. But their biggest failure was Snapbridge because these apps are the future and if Nikon doesn't get on board, hire some competent software developers and make apps that actually work, they will go the way of the dinosaur.

Rokinon 14mm and 24mm Lens reviews


A summary of the 2 lens:

Rokinon 24 f/1.4 -- The lens is very sharp at f5 or above but at the lower f-stops, it does become soft. Its great for shooting landscape up until around dusk and is great for star trails but for sharp images in pitch black night, its not the best lens.

Rokinon 14 f/2.8 -- My choice of astrophotography lens for full frame cameras. Very sharp images all the way down to f/2.8 and captures a huge swath of landscape.

Please note that during astrophotography, both lens were focused to infinity so the foreground not being sharp may be due partly to that since it was only about 4 feet away.

Why Canon and Nikon Need to open up their own app store


Canon and Nikon have been traditionally in the hardware business of cameras. However, the future of technology is closely tied to amazing software. The software side of both these companies seems to be lacking so they need to enlist 3rd-party developers to really bring out the potential of their cameras. App stores would both be profitable and build a strong community around their brand.