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Free Photos (Public Domain Photos),stock Photos, Clipart, images, and Vectors

A large Public Domain photo repository with high resolution free photos and vectors. All copyright free stock photos and royalty free photos, and CC0 Photos. 27000 free and public domain photos, images, clipart, pics and vectors and counting. To view/download a photo in high resolution, please click on the image.



I've been spending the last several days in Beijing checking out some of its sights and in the areas around Beijing. Beijing is nearly always clouded by pollution these days so its hard to find a clear day. For instance:


Forbidden City


Food in China


Yummy food for hotpot in Beijing, Lamb!!



Riding Glacial Drumlin


Instead of driving out by car, I went out by Bike today along Glacial Drumlin. Its still a bit early as the leaves haven't really changed colors yet but the cornstalks are all up and the fields are mostly yellow. Some of my favorite shots are of Rock Lake near Lake Mills.

Riding Glacial Drumlin


More Madison Pictures and HDR


Got up at dawn today to do some HDR photography work before sunrise. The results were pretty good for the sets that came out ok. I got several pictures of the shoreline and sunrise on Lake Monona at Dawn.


Lake Monona at Dawn


Of course, I didn't miss the sunrise either:


Sunrise on Monona


Nelson Dewey and Wyalusing


Went to the Wisconsin Iowa Border 2 days ago and visited Nelson Dewey State Park and Wyalusing State Park (...)

Mill Bluff and Buckhorn


Took another quick trip this week to Mill Bluff and Buckhorn State Parks. Read a little on HDR and artistic photos and decided to try my hand. Here's a photo with color tones at Mill Bluff:


View of Bluff


Peninsula, Whitefish Dunes, and Potawatomi


Completing the swing of state parks in Door County. I swung through Peninsula State Park , Whitefish Dunes State Park, Potawatomi State Park (...)

Rock Island and Newport State Park


On my tour of Door County, I decided to visit all the parks. Here are pictures from Rock Island and Newport.


Rock Island Boat House:


Rock Island Boat House


Rock Island Shore Line:


Point Beach and Fischer Creek


Started going up to Door County Yesterday and visited Fischer Creek and Point Beach along the way. Both are on the shore of Lake Michigan and presented interesting photo opportunities.


Viewing Lake Michigan through Brush:


Lake from the Bush


Lake Waubesa


Madison, Wisconsin, the place where I live, is surrounded by four lakes. I have been to Monana, Mendota, and Wingra, and this weekend finally went to the fourth one, Waubesa after all this time. Its kind of out of the way in McFarland, but it has great sunsets.


Sunset on Waubesa
