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boy-girl-holding-hands-on-the-sidewalk (845/1177)
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boy-girl-holding-hands-on-the-sidewalk (845/1177)

Free Photos > People Photos > boy-girl-holding-hands-on-the-sidewalk (845/1177)

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All free photos on this site are public domain. Please consider giving a credit hyperlink to if you use the photos on this site using the attribution code in the below box. It is not required but it'd be much appreciated.
This photo is under the CC0 / Public Domain License.

Sponsored Images via Shutterstock:
Young students, boy and girl, going to school. They hold hands. They hold hands. Children behind shoulders have satchels. Warm day in an early autumn.
Back to school. Two young students go to school hand in hand. They about something briskly talk. Behind the back of everyone satchel. Little first graders. Schoolchildren.
Two pupils of primary school go hand in hand. Boy and girl with school bags behind the back. Beginning of school lessons. Warm day of fall. Back to school.  Little first graders.
Crossing the street
Mother, father, daughter and little son holding each other hands and walking on asphalt road at city park in beautiful warm summer day. Family spending time together. Enjoying stroll. Back view.
Boy and girl go to school having joined hands. Warm September day. Good mood. School students about something talk. Back to school. Lovely first graders.
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boy girl holding hands running through park school, child with school backpacks running along sidewalk school lesson, cheerful classmates running hand hand with bags, teamwork group children, boy girl
boy girl holding hands running through park school, child with school backpacks running along sidewalk school lesson, cheerful classmates running hand hand with bags, teamwork group children, boy girl
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boy girl holding hands running through park school, child with school backpacks running along sidewalk school lesson, cheerful classmates running hand hand with bags, teamwork group children, boy girl
boy girl holding hands running through park school, child with school backpacks running along sidewalk school lesson, cheerful classmates running hand hand with bags, teamwork group children, boy girl

Free Photos > People Photos > boy-girl-holding-hands-on-the-sidewalk (845/1177)

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