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dancing-performer-on-stage (1129/1177)

Free Photos > People Photos > dancing-performer-on-stage (1129/1177)

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Sponsored Images via Shutterstock:
A collective of musicians, singers and dancers in gypsy costumes perform on stage.
A collective of musicians, singers and dancers in gypsy costumes perform on stage.
Rock Band Delivers a Captivating Concert with Lead Singer Passionately Performing on Stage with Falling Confetti, Surrounded by Band Members, Creating an Intense and Immersive Musical Atmosphere
Indian Traditional bharatanatyam dance
Open air music festival with crowd in foreground having fun, dancing and rising their hands. A performer is singing on stage during the concert while silhouettes of people having fun at concert.
Silhouette of a man on stage illuminated by stage lights. A dramatic and impactful scene ideal for promoting live performances, entertainment events, and stage presence.
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Free Photos > People Photos > dancing-performer-on-stage (1129/1177)

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