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girl-in-blue-dress-standing-by-a-bench-by-a-lake (493/1177)
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girl-in-blue-dress-standing-by-a-bench-by-a-lake (493/1177)

Free Photos > People Photos > girl-in-blue-dress-standing-by-a-bench-by-a-lake (493/1177)

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This photo is under the CC0 / Public Domain License.

Sponsored Images via Shutterstock:
An Asian woman in a blue dress stands back, arms outstretched, breathing in the morning air on the side of the road. Below are rivers and mountains.
a beautiful curly haired girl in a blue dress stands on a large tree against the background of a Park with a lake.
Young girl stands on a rock near the water, watching a large ship in the distance. The scene is peaceful and serene, with the girl
Woman sitting on a bench and watching the sunset next to a river in Germany
A young woman in a dress stands on wooden masonry in the middle of a blue lake. Girl happy smiles and the sun shines, summer day. She has curly long hair and a European appearance
A young woman in a dress stands on wooden masonry in the middle of a blue lake. Girl happy smiles and the sun shines, summer day. She has curly long hair and a European appearance
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Young woman in dress stands by bench near pond in forest. Relaxing summer life

Free Photos > People Photos > girl-in-blue-dress-standing-by-a-bench-by-a-lake (493/1177)

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