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james-madison-portrait (714/1177)

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James Madison (1751-1836) who served as the 4th President of the United States. Portrait from James Madison on United States of America Dollars Banknotes.  was a founding father of the United States
James Madison a portrait from old American Dollars
James Madison, by Gilbert Stuart , 1821, American painting, oil on canvas. Colonel George Gibbs, Rhode Island, commissioned Stuart to paint five American Presidents in the 1820s. This Madison portrai
James Madison (1751-1836), U.S. President (1809-1817), lithograph by Nathaniel Currierafter painting by Gilbert Stuart
US Presidents. US President James Madison.
 coloured illustration of a portrait of the President of USA james madison on a white background
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Free Photos > People Photos > james-madison-portrait (714/1177)

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