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japanese-girl-wearing-pink-kimono-with-red-umbrella (879/1177)
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japanese-girl-wearing-pink-kimono-with-red-umbrella (879/1177)

Free Photos > People Photos > japanese-girl-wearing-pink-kimono-with-red-umbrella (879/1177)

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Sponsored Images via Shutterstock:
woman wears kimono on the blue background
Pretty the Traveller Young Asian woman wearing a Japanese traditional kimono dress, a Yukata dress, and holding an umbrella is happy and cheerful in the green natural park. Japanese traditional dress.
Asian woman wearing japanese traditional kimono looking at cherry blossoms and castle in Osaka, Japan.
Asian woman wearing japanese traditional kimono and cherry blossom in spring, Japan.
A girl wearing a traditional Japanese kimono is taking a photo with the architecture of Sensoji Temple in Tokyo.
A girl wearing a traditional Japanese kimono is taking a photo with the architecture of Sensoji Temple in Tokyo.
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Free Photos > People Photos > japanese-girl-wearing-pink-kimono-with-red-umbrella (879/1177)

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