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Free Photos > People Photos > vietnamese-woman-in-the-marketplace (540/1177)

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Sponsored Images via Shutterstock:
A Vietnamese woman at an oyster pearl farm carefully extracts pearls from oysters using tongs. Traditional farming method highlights the abundance of cultured gems in Vietnam.
Vector illustration of floating market panorama in Asian.
Asian market woman using smartphone to sell food online on website with technology internet media in floating market on boat near canal. Modern and old lifestyle, Ratchaburi District, Thailand.
Vietnamese woman preparing food at local market wearing traditional conical hat during daytime
Woman in traditional vietnamese hat on bicycle selling flowers in the street market in Hanoi, Vietnam
Asian newlyweds shopping for groceries in the supermarket
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Aerial view of Cai Rang floating market, Can Tho, Vietnam. Tourists, people buy and sell food, vegetable, fruits on boat, ship at river market in Tet Holiday.
Aerial view of Cai Rang floating market, Can Tho, Vietnam. Tourists, people buy and sell food, vegetable, fruits on boat, ship at river market in Tet Holiday.
Aerial view of Cai Rang floating market, Can Tho, Vietnam. Tourists, people buy and sell food, vegetable, fruits on boat, ship at river market in Tet Holiday.
Aerial view of Cai Rang floating market, Can Tho, Vietnam. Tourists, people buy and sell food, vegetable, fruits on boat, ship at river market in Tet Holiday.

Free Photos > People Photos > vietnamese-woman-in-the-marketplace (540/1177)

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All free photos on this site are public domain. Please consider giving a credit hyperlink to if you use the photos on this site using the attribution code in the below box. It is not required but it'd be much appreciated.
This photo is under the CC0 / Public Domain License.