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Eroilor Avenue in Cluj-Napoca, Romania (6/18)
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Eroilor Avenue in Cluj-Napoca, Romania (6/18)

Free Photos > Romania Photos > Napoca Photos > Eroilor Avenue in Cluj-Napoca, Romania (6/18)

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Eroilor Avenue in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, old photo. Photo by Unupusunu.

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Cluj-Napoca, town in Transylvania region of Romania. Second biggest Romanian city. Eroilor avenue architecture.
Cluj-Napoca, town in Transylvania region of Romania. Second biggest Romanian city. Eroilor avenue architecture. Cross processing color tone - filtered retro style.
Memorandum Monument on Eroilor Avenue, Heroes Avenue - a central avenue in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Europe
Cluj-Napoca, town in Transylvania region of Romania. Second biggest Romanian city. Eroilor avenue architecture.
Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Second biggest Romanian city. Eroilor avenue architecture. Filtered style colors.
Cluj-Napoca, town in Transylvania region of Romania. Second biggest Romanian city.
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Free Photos > Romania Photos > Napoca Photos > Eroilor Avenue in Cluj-Napoca, Romania (6/18)

To view or save this photo in High resolution, just click the photo to see the full image(the full image is much higher quality and not pixelated).

Eroilor Avenue in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, old photo. Photo by Unupusunu.

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