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Palace Square and Winter Palace in Saint Petersburg, Russia (17/17)
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Palace Square and Winter Palace in Saint Petersburg, Russia (17/17)

Free Photos > Russia Photos > Saint Petersburg Photos > Palace Square and Winter Palace in Saint Petersburg, Russia (17/17)

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Palace Square and Winter Palace in Saint Petersburg, Russia. Photo by Public Domain.

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horse-drawn carriages on the Palace Square in St. Petersburg
View Winter Palace  in  Saint Petersburg. Russia
Winter Palace in Saint Petersburg, Russia. It is landmark of St Petersburg. Hermitage Museum is located here. View of palace of Russian emperors in summer. Theme of travel in Saint Petersburg.
View Winter Palace square   in  Saint Petersburg.
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Free Photos > Russia Photos > Saint Petersburg Photos > Palace Square and Winter Palace in Saint Petersburg, Russia (17/17)

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Palace Square and Winter Palace in Saint Petersburg, Russia. Photo by Public Domain.

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