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Las Medulas landscape in Spain (82/170)
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Las Medulas landscape in Spain (82/170)

Free Photos > Spain Photos > Other Spain Photos > Las Medulas landscape in Spain (82/170)

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Free Photo of Las Medulas landscape in Spain. Photo by Frayle.

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This photo is under the CC0 / Public Domain License.

Sponsored Images via Shutterstock:
Landscape of Las Medulas - historic site near Ponferrada Province of León, Castilla y León, Spain, which was the most important gold mine of the Roman Empire
Las Medulas - ancient gold mining site near Ponferrada in Spain.
Las Medulas (Monumento Natural de Las Medulas), Roman gold-mining site near Ponferrada, UNESCO world heritage site, Castile and Leon, Spain
Las Medulas, a Roman gold-mining site. UNESCO world heritage in Castile and Leon, Spain
Las Medulas - ancient gold mining site near Ponferrada in Spain.
Las Medulas (Monumento Natural de Las Medulas), Roman gold-mining site near Ponferrada, UNESCO world heritage site, Castile and Leon, Spain
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Las Medulas ancient roman gold mining site in Leon province Spain. Famous touristic place in Castile and Leon. High quality 4k footage

Free Photos > Spain Photos > Other Spain Photos > Las Medulas landscape in Spain (82/170)

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Free Photo of Las Medulas landscape in Spain. Photo by Frayle.

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This photo is under the CC0 / Public Domain License.