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The ruins of Wat Chaiwatthanaram in Ayutthaya, Thailand (22/25)
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The ruins of Wat Chaiwatthanaram in Ayutthaya, Thailand (22/25)

Free Photos > Thailand Photos > Other Thailand Photos > The ruins of Wat Chaiwatthanaram in Ayutthaya, Thailand (22/25)

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The ruins of Wat Chaiwatthanaram in Ayutthaya, Thailand. Photo by G2nfreeb.

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Sponsored Images via Shutterstock:
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Wat Chaiwatthanaram, Ayutthaya Thailand 
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Free Photos > Thailand Photos > Other Thailand Photos > The ruins of Wat Chaiwatthanaram in Ayutthaya, Thailand (22/25)

To view or save this photo in High resolution, just click the photo to see the full image(the full image is much higher quality and not pixelated).

The ruins of Wat Chaiwatthanaram in Ayutthaya, Thailand. Photo by G2nfreeb.

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