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Katmai Calder, glacier, and Mt Griggs in Katmai National Park, Alaska (23/43)
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Katmai Calder, glacier, and Mt Griggs in Katmai National Park, Alaska (23/43)

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Free Stock Photo of Katmai Calder, glacier, and Mt Griggs in Katmai National Park, Alaska. Photo by NPS.

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Brown bears fishing at Brooks falls. Red sockeye salmon jumping into a brown bear’s open mouth. Katmai National Park. Alaska.
Brown bear (Ursus Arctos) stands in the water, behind mountains, Katmai National Park, Alaska, USA
Red sockeye salmon jumping up the Brooks Falls into a brown bear’s open mouth. Katmai National Park. Alaska.
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Beautiful landscape view of the Brooks area in Katmai National Park in Alaska.
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Free Photos > USA Photos > Alaska Photos > Katmai National Park > Katmai Calder, glacier, and Mt Griggs in Katmai National Park, Alaska (23/43)

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Free Stock Photo of Katmai Calder, glacier, and Mt Griggs in Katmai National Park, Alaska. Photo by NPS.

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