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Herd of Caribou in the snowy landscape (49/75)
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Herd of Caribou in the snowy landscape (49/75)

Free Photos > USA Photos > Alaska Photos > Other Alaska Photos > Herd of Caribou in the snowy landscape (49/75)

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Free Stock Photo of Herd of Caribou in the snowy landscape. Photo by NPS.

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This photo is under the CC0 / Public Domain License.

Sponsored Images via Shutterstock:
Ranua, Finland - December 31 2023: Group of four reindeers in deep snow next to the road between Rovaniemi and Ranua. Snowy landscape with spruce trees. Pink sky during sunrise in arctic polar area.
Reindeer next to wooden log cabin in a winter forest in Finnish Lapland
A curious reindeer with partially grown antlers stands in a snowy landscape, gazing towards the camera. Its thick winter coat, a mix of white, gray, and brown, blends into the Arctic environment.
A curious reindeer with partially grown antlers stands in a snowy landscape, gazing towards the camera. Its thick winter coat, a mix of white, gray, and brown, blends into the Arctic environment.
A curious reindeer with partially grown antlers stands in a snowy landscape, gazing towards the camera. Its thick winter coat, a mix of white, gray, and brown, blends into the Arctic environment.
A curious reindeer with partially grown antlers stands in a snowy landscape, gazing towards the camera. Its thick winter coat, a mix of white, gray, and brown, blends into the Arctic environment.
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Free Photos > USA Photos > Alaska Photos > Other Alaska Photos > Herd of Caribou in the snowy landscape (49/75)

To view or save this photo in High resolution, just click the photo to see the full image(the full image is much higher quality and not pixelated).

Free Stock Photo of Herd of Caribou in the snowy landscape. Photo by NPS.

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This photo is under the CC0 / Public Domain License.