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Cosumnes River Preserve landscape (33/140)

Free Photos > USA Photos > California Photos > Other Photos > Cosumnes River Preserve landscape (33/140)

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Free Photo of Cosumnes River Preserve landscape. Photo by Bureau of Land Management California.

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Golden hour landscape of wild grass flowing in the wind in the wetlands of the Cosumnes River Preserve in Galt California with the sun setting on the horizon.
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Golden hour landscape of wild grass flowing in the wind in the wetlands of the Cosumnes River Preserve in Galt California with the sun setting on the horizon.
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Free Photos > USA Photos > California Photos > Other Photos > Cosumnes River Preserve landscape (33/140)

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Free Photo of Cosumnes River Preserve landscape. Photo by Bureau of Land Management California.

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This photo is under the CC0 / Public Domain License.