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Fountain in San Diego, California (7/19)
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Fountain in San Diego, California (7/19)

Free Photos > USA Photos > California Photos > San Diego Photos > Fountain in San Diego, California (7/19)

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Free Stock Photo of Fountain in San Diego, California. Photo by PD Photo.

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Sponsored Images via Shutterstock:
Panoramic view on a sunny day of children playing, people relaxing and cooling off in fountains in public park opposite port of San Diego, Southern California.
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Balboa Park Botanical Building Garden Renovation Plants Fountain Detail Texture Green Architecture San Diego California USA America Historic Building Wood Travel Beautiful landscape
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Free Photos > USA Photos > California Photos > San Diego Photos > Fountain in San Diego, California (7/19)

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Free Stock Photo of Fountain in San Diego, California. Photo by PD Photo.

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This photo is under the CC0 / Public Domain License.