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Courtyard at the Fountain of Youth (25/27)
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Courtyard at the Fountain of Youth (25/27)

Free Photos > USA Photos > Florida Photos > St. Augustine > Courtyard at the Fountain of Youth (25/27)

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Free Photo of Courtyard at the Fountain of Youth.

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This photo is under the CC0 / Public Domain License.

Sponsored Images via Shutterstock:
The  courtyard of Paseo de Santiago features a serene water fountain, intricate marble design, and graceful nymphs dancing in eternal youth.
Tired of the heat, the child washes his face with water from a tap in the courtyard of the house. The boy is doused with tap water. Hot Summer. Spray. Vacation in the village.
Excited child girl having fun between water splashes in fountain courtyard. Summertime in city. In hot day. Kid aged 3-4 years old. Children wearing red swimsuit. Baby is stroking water off face.
Tired of heat, the child quenches thirst from a tap in the courtyard of the house. The boy drinks water from the tap. Hot Summer. Portrait of a child drinking water from a fountain.
Set of 6 natural spring lineal icons such as fountain
A beautiful brunette girl with red lips sits on the edge of the fountain against the background of a courtyard building in a brown knit sweater with a throat. Holds hair with hands long straight dark.
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Free Photos > USA Photos > Florida Photos > St. Augustine > Courtyard at the Fountain of Youth (25/27)

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