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Highland Park in Detroit, Michigan (8/16)
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Highland Park in Detroit, Michigan (8/16)

Free Photos > USA Photos > Michigan Photos > Detroit Photos > Highland Park in Detroit, Michigan (8/16)

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Highland Park in Detroit, Michigan. Photo by Library of Congress.

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A block of tidy and well-maintained houses is located on Eason Street in the Highland Park community in Detroit.
Davison Highway, built in 1941-42, was a depressed six-lane, limited-access highway connecting Detroit and Highland Park.
A long street shows the decline of neighborhoods in Detroit as the empty lots on both sides once were filled with houses.
The remains of a burned house in Highland Park are gradually falling apart as an urban ruin.
Debris from damaged homes litters the street in front of the abandoned buildings in Highland Park.
An old factory  in the Highland Park area shows the post-industrial plight of Detroit with broken windows and a parking lot filled with weeds.
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Free Photos > USA Photos > Michigan Photos > Detroit Photos > Highland Park in Detroit, Michigan (8/16)

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Highland Park in Detroit, Michigan. Photo by Library of Congress.

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This photo is under the CC0 / Public Domain License.