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Large complex in San Antonio, Texas (13/48)
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Large complex in San Antonio, Texas (13/48)

Free Photos > USA Photos > Texas Photos > San Antonio Photos > Large complex in San Antonio, Texas (13/48)

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A large complex as viewed from the tower of the Americas

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Sponsored Images via Shutterstock:
Large oil refinery complex with crude oil distillation unit, storage tanks, utility systems, pipelines in agriculture agro-town San Antonio, Texas, produce gasoline, diesel, benzene, LPGs, aerial. USA
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Small agriculture agro-town along highway with large oil refinery complex plant, gas flare, crude oil distillation unit, storage tanks, utility systems, pipelines, San Antonio, Texas, aerial view. USA
Stormy cloud over a large oil refinery complex plant with gas flare, crude oil distillation unit, storage tanks, utility systems, pipelines in agriculture agro-town San Antonio, Texas, aerial. USA
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Large oil refinery complex with crude oil distillation unit, storage tanks, utility systems, pipelines in agriculture agro-town San Antonio, Texas, produce gasoline, diesel, benzene, LPGs, aerial. USA
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Free Photos > USA Photos > Texas Photos > San Antonio Photos > Large complex in San Antonio, Texas (13/48)

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A large complex as viewed from the tower of the Americas

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This photo is under the CC0 / Public Domain License.