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Trees and watertower on the opposite shore (14/27)
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Trees and watertower on the opposite shore (14/27)

Free Photos > USA Photos > Wisconsin Photos > Governor Nelson State Park Photos > Trees and watertower on the opposite shore (14/27)

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Free Photo of Trees and watertower on the opposite shore.

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Sponsored Images via Shutterstock:
Recreational catamarans float on the water of the lake with a light wave On the far shore are deciduous trees, a TV tower, modern and historical buildings Sunny summer weather and blue sky with clouds
Two electricity pylons are standing on the opposite shore of a lake, a pine branch is framing the image on the right
In the evening, the autumn sun sinks to the horizon and illuminates the medieval castle and the trees with yellow leaves. A wooden pier stands on the grassy shore and reeds grow. Blue sky with clouds
In the evening, the autumn sun sinks to the horizon and illuminates the medieval castle and the trees with yellow and red leaves standing on the grassy banks. Reeds grow in the water. Blue sky
A bunch of mallards resting on the bank of the river Daugava against the background of Riga skyline with colorful red and yellow autumn trees and radio and tv tower on the opposite shore
Lubeck, Germany. View of Lubeck Cathedral from the opposite shore of Muhlenteich (Mill pond) in autumn day. The cathedral was started in 1173 and consecrated in 1247.
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Free Photos > USA Photos > Wisconsin Photos > Governor Nelson State Park Photos > Trees and watertower on the opposite shore (14/27)

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Free Photo of Trees and watertower on the opposite shore.

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