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Frozen lake in Madison, Wisconsin (344/494)
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Frozen lake in Madison, Wisconsin (344/494)

Free Photos > USA Photos > Wisconsin Photos > Madison Photos > Frozen lake in Madison, Wisconsin (344/494)

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A wide photo of frozen lake Wingra

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Sponsored Images via Shutterstock:
Downtown skyline of Madison, the capital city of Wisconsin, USA. Winter day view with State Capitol building and Monona Terrace across the frozen lake Monona.
Historic Buildings - University of Wisconsin - seen from frozen Lake Mendota.
Winter panorama of Madison. Madison, Wisconsin, USA
Madison cityscape with Capitol dome and Monona terrace. Madison downtown skyline. The capital city of Wisconsin skyline winter view across frozen lake Monona, from the Olin Park at dusk.
Historic Building - University of Wisconsin - seen from frozen Lake Mendota.
Madison Wisconsin
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Free Photos > USA Photos > Wisconsin Photos > Madison Photos > Frozen lake in Madison, Wisconsin (344/494)

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A wide photo of frozen lake Wingra

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