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Flowing water around the aquatic plants (512/598)
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Flowing water around the aquatic plants (512/598)

Free Photos > USA Photos > Wisconsin Photos > Southern Wisconsin Photos > Flowing water around the aquatic plants (512/598)

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Free Photo of Flowing water around the aquatic plants.

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The area around this ditch is overgrown with bushes and water hyacinths; sometimes, these aquatic plants slow down the flow of water in the ditch.
A small fountain covered in moss sprays water in a stone-bordered pond surrounded by green grass and plants, with fallen autumn leaves scattered around.
A small fountain covered in moss sprays water in a stone-bordered pond surrounded by green grass and plants, with fallen autumn leaves scattered around.
River. The view around the river evokes a feeling of calm and serenity
River. The view around the river evokes a feeling of calm and serenity
Landscape photography of a beautiful river. River with vegetation around it. Background photo of nature.
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Free Photos > USA Photos > Wisconsin Photos > Southern Wisconsin Photos > Flowing water around the aquatic plants (512/598)

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Free Photo of Flowing water around the aquatic plants.

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